
myHR Partner profiled in Wall Street Journal about 40-hour workweek business models - myHR Partner

Written by Tina Hamilton | Oct 15, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Yesterday, myHR Partner® and our president, Tina Hamilton, PHR, were profiled in The Wall Street Journal piece “Radical Idea at the Office: A 40-Hour Workweek” by reporter Rachel Feintzeig.

The article examined companies that hold a 40-hour workweek limit as a golden rule, where employees are not asked or expected to give the organization over 40 hours a week, in exchange for them being more efficient while they work. Business executives spoke to the WSJ about how this kind of strict work limit can help some companies improve their employee satisfaction, increase overall efficiency and also attract great talent, even if it means some of them will have to take a pay cut in exchange for limited hours.

From the article:

Allentown, Pa.-based myHR Partner Inc. says some employees are willing to take a pay cut for a 40-hour week. Job postings for the human-resources outsourcing firm boast “an actual 40-hour workweek” and beckon hires to “say goodbye to long work hours.”

Three open positions at the company have garnered 663 applicants, says Tina Hamilton, the company’s president. She adds that some hires have taken pay cuts from six-figure jobs to come work for myHR Partner, where compensation ranges from $40,000 to $90,000 a year.

To read the whole article, click here.

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