1 min read
myHR Partner CEO Tina Hamilton was named the Outstanding Woman in Business for 2014 by the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Diversity Council.
The annual EIBA awards are presented by the Chamber’s Small Business Council to companies and individuals that exemplify excellence in business, support their organization’s mission statement, are active in the Chamber, demonstrate community involvement and are committed to customer satisfaction, quality, leadership, marketing, training and development. The awards event celebrates the area’s most dynamic businesses and business leaders who share a commitment to professional excellence, business growth and the community.
“I was shocked and honored. As a business owner, to receive accolades from my community is very humbling,” says Hamilton.
Hamilton says that being able to relate to and support the needs of modern employers has been her path to success. “Today, employers must care about attracting and retaining good talent. Mediocre employee performance is simply not good enough,” she says. “At the same time, as the economy improves, employees have choices—actually, great employees always have had choices. And, if you are not stepping it up for them, supporting, training, communicating with and compensating them, it’s only a few clicks away to a new job.” Hamilton’s business supports organizations in the full spectrum of talent attraction and retention. She says that organizations that disregard the human element of their operations do so at their own peril.
“myHR Partner is committed to staying current on the latest trends,” says Hamilton. “Our clients are well established and successful, and our goal is to help support their success.”